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The Genetic Reality behind the Truth of Gynocentrism and the Myth of Patriarchy!

תמונת הסופר/ת: Yoav LevinYoav Levin

עודכן: 8 בדצמ׳ 2021

The Genetic Reality behind the Truth of Gynocentrism and the Myth of Patriarchy: from Women as Natural and Sexual Selection to the Disposability of Men!

Although researching other aspects in the field of genetic, a study by Israeli researchers, Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni, from the Weizmann Genetics Institute, brought the evidence and made the link between the human genome and the gynocentric nature of society including gender roles, social structure of gynocentric culture, women being the natural and sexual selection and how masculinity is genetically conditioned by women and society is a reflection of gynocentric reality as well as offering a biological and genetic explanation to the concept of the disposability of men!

Males and females have virtually undistinguishable genomes but are distinctly dimorphic, with different disease vulnerabilities. The difference between the almost identical genomes and the distinctly dimorphic nature of human species is what feminist pseudo-science misuse into manipulating people to believe in the "sameness of men and women" while using the former to deceive people and ignoring the second part of the equation. Sexual dimorphism is the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond the differences in their sexual organs. The condition occurs also in many animals and some plants. Differences may include secondary sex characteristics, size, weight, color, markings as well as brain anatomy and development, behavior, mortality, longevity and morbidity, distribution and metabolism of fat biogenesis, physical performance capabilities, pain response including behavioral and cognitive differences. These differences may be subtle or exaggerated and may be subjected to sexual selection and natural selection. The opposite of dimorphism is a monomorphism.

To continue refuting the feminist fallacy of sameness and absolute equality between the sexes and as the study from the Weizmann Institute shows one must understand that "sexual dimorphism was suggested to evolve due to differential selection on equally expressed traits that become sexually dimorphic and even sex-limited traits. This can lead to the accumulation of genes with different effects on males and females. Therefore, the vast majority of sexually dimorphic traits may be due present in both sexes which does not mean they're same and "equal" but point a huge difference between men and women due to differential expression of those genes. As I said above feminist anti-science cherry picks what it wants and selectively dismisses all other important information thus one-sidedly portraying the identical elements as equal or same while hiding the differences which prove the opposite. As the research shows, while carried by both males and females, such genes are expected to undergo sex-biased selection differences" (based on gender too).

Overall, the study covered and examined "over 45 tissues common to both sexes and identified highly and moderately sex-specific genes while considering the complete panel of 53 tissues". To give a taste of the differences, the research found that there are over 6500 protein-coding genes with significant SDE (sex differential expression) in at least one tissue. Most of these genes have SDE in just one tissue, but about 650 have SDE in two or more tissues, 31 have SDE in more than five tissues, and 22 have SDE in nine or more tissues (Additional file 4: Figure S3 and Additional file 5: Table S2). As expected, Y-linked genes that are normally carried only by men show SDE in many tissues. Nevertheless, 16 out of the 244 X-linked SDE genes, which are associated with women, also have widespread SDE (across six or more tissues) in either men or women. The study found that three of these X-linked female genes are located at the pseudoautosomal region, which undergoes relatively frequent recombination between the X and Y chromosomes and is known to escape X-inactivation [33] It is noteworthy that these PAR1 genes have men-biased expression.

Interestingly, genes with women-biased expression were associated with obesity, muscular diseases, and cardiomyopathy. In addition, overexpressed women-biased genes were enriched in glucose metabolism and adipogenesis pathways. Moreover, 15 out of 20 genes found to be associated with cardiomyopathy also showed a woman overexpression bias in heart tissue as well as supporting previous evidence on its involvement in sex-differential cardiovascular phenotypes. Likewise, genes with men-biased expression also showed enrichment in glucose metabolism pathways, but the gene sets differed, suggesting alternative pathways in glucose metabolism between men and women. A muscle contraction pathway was also associated with genes overexpressed in men. This might be related to the physiological differences in muscle tissues and in physical features between men and women. All in all, it suggests and refutes the feminist fallacy claiming that body differences are not existent or irrelevant and that showing that many of the gender roles like professional needs and preferences, men being overrepresented as combat soldiers and in dangerous jobs, are rooted in biological sex difference and genetics and not in patriarchal conditioning or oppression.

As the research shows, "beyond genes that have SDE in one or several tissues, there are more extreme cases of genes with overall exclusive or high expression-specificity in one sex. Such sex-specific genes are also more likely to have global sex-differential functional roles. According to the study, "a gene was considered sex-specific if its maximal expression value in one sex was significantly higher from its expression values in all tissues of the other sex. In addition, genes were considered as non-SDE if their maximal expression values in men and women differed by no more than 10%. The study reports that the researcher "identified 1559 sex-specific and moderately sex-specific genes. Of these genes, 1288 (82.6%) were men-specific and overexpressed in the testis which means the men vastly differ from women. Aside from these 1559 genes, we found 26 women-specific and 114 moderately women-specific genes, and 82 non-testis men-specific and 49 moderately men-specific genes. The sex-specific and moderately sex-specific genes could be grouped by their expression patterns into six major categories" which completely refute the feminist fallacy that the only difference is in the reproductive system while the truth is that it is pervasive and embraces both body as well as the mental and the psycho-cognitive human structure. Those categories are as following:

1) Testis overexpressed genes in men

2) Prostate overexpressed genes in men

3) Reproductive system overexpressed genes in women

4) Skin-specific overexpressed genes in men

5) Brain tissue overexpressed genes in women

6) Mainly gland and brain tissue overexpressed genes, in men or women

Also important to mention that according to the study " the correlation with the level of sex specificity, suggests that higher sex specificity indicates greater distinction in the functional importance for each sex" which again supports our claim that gender roles aren't conditioned through "patriarchy" but rooted and based in sexual dimorphism on top of whom the later differences in roles, preferences, behavior and so on takes place. However, the study does not only support the claim on the origins of gender roles but also proves the assumption that not only gender roles but based on women being the natural and sexual selection, our culture is exposed here to exist in its gynocentric nature and has linked gynocentrism to its biological origins. The study confirms that the research findings support their previous expectations to find men specific genes to be under less selection than women-specific genes. The basis for this, according to the study, could be the practically unlimited numbers of available male gametes compared to the restricted number of available women gametes, as suggested in the Bateman principle. Thus, the ability of women to pass on alleles that cause men-specific lethality will less affect the number of fertile men required to sustain the population, but not vice versa.

This, however, is not only the basis of biological gynocentrism but in fact the biological origin of what is called the disposability of men and exposes the working of the survival of species. This is why on evolutionary terms society prefers, for instance, men to die in wars and risk their lives in dangerous Jobs. It is because they are disposable and this affects less when died, the survival of the species. We can, again, demonstrate this principle in the common hypothetical scenario. Two tribes are going to war. If in one tribe fewer women but more men survive, this reduces the survival chances of the species; on the other hand, when fewer men survive but more women, the survival chances of the species aren't affected. It is so because a woman can get pregnant by one man only and there's not enough Uterus' for all men. On the other hand, if many women survive and much fewer men, then the few men can get all women pregnant. The survival of the tribe is secured. Thus, men specific genes are expected to be under less selection than women-specific genes, it means the basic or the original process to initiate those dynamics takes place with women and not men. Therefore, they are also the natural and sexual selection that do not only affect those aspects but in general the conditioning of men too and incorporating as well the origin of the gynocentric society including its gender roles, cultural norms, ideal and so on.

To sum it up and in addition to the already refuted fallacies that we have discussed above. the new study by the Israeli researchers from the Weizmann Institute, it rebuts many more of those myths in many other aspects. One of the of regarding the transitioning between genders. The truth is that a man cannot become a woman by simply "identifying" as one and vice versa since as we have shown certain genes are only expressed in women, while others are only expressed in men. The transitioning is only an external appearance abut inherently a delusion – a one that Einstein describes as an optical delusion of consciousness. Essentially, the research means more than almost 20% percent of the entire human genome, which is are based on sex, something a sex change operation and hormones cannot replace. To some it up in one sentence then we can say that the "recent study from Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science further proves that you cannot fool nature". Gender confusion is mental proliferation and projection, not physical or biological. Nature has made men and women and no amount of feminist pseudo- and anti-science will change the natural created order". People can choose to live however they want. They should stop trying to poison science and indoctrinate the minds of young people with their junk studies, creating more confusion and thus contributing to more suffering, not vice versa.

The research from the Weizmann Institute can be downloaded here:


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