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By Yoav Levin
Author, Researcher
& Men rights activist.


Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 31 דקות
The Song of Songs as the Prototype of Medieval Fabliaux and Modern Romance Novel
Cuckolded Husbands, The Virtue of Female Adulteress and the shared Egyptian Denominator and Ancestor of the Judeo Christian Gynocentrism!...
10 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 10 דקות
The Ancient Roman Root of Female Privilege: the Case of the Sabine Women
Roman men probably established the earliest foundations of female privilege preceding even the concepts of medieval chivalry and courtly...
63 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 13 דקות
Feudalism as an Economic Foundation of Gynocentrism
Feudalism as an Economic Foundation of Gynocentrism and a Marital Tool to Exploit Men in the Service of God, King and Women! An excerpt...
15 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 39 דקות
The Jewish Muslim Roots of the Troubadour's Courtly Love
The Jewish Muslim Legacy of Secular Love Poetry in the works of William the IX of Aquitaine and the Spread of Eleanor's of Aquitaine...
51 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 30 דקות
From Gynocentrism to Misandry: The Spread of Gynocentric Culture To Germany
The Spread of Gynocentric Culture, Courtly Love and the Secular Troubadour Cathar Legacy from Aquitaine to Germany! An excerpt from "On...
23 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 52 דקות
Muslim-Sufi and Christian-Cathar Syncretism and Cross-Pollination in Mosarbic - Spain
Muslim-Sufi and Christian-Cathar Syncretism and Cross-Pollination in Mosarbic - Spain and Christian France! -TROUBADOUR CONTACTS WITH...
22 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 6 דקות
A Human History of Gynocentrism and Misandry spread from India to France
Both male and female historians were inclined to subdue the historical evidence of Gynocentrism. Gynocentrism is a social system in...
26 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 12 דקות
From Rumi to William IX and Eleanor of Aquitaine
The Muslim – Arabic and Sufi Origins of Courtly Love and the Troubadours! An excerpt from "On the Origin of European Gynocentrism and its...
19 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 11 דקות
Christian Mother of God and Jewish God the Mother
Christian Mother of God and Jewish God the Mother: Two Side of the Same Religious Gynocentric Coin! An ecerpt from "On the Origions of...
14 צפיות
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 24 דקות
Medieval Women in Feudal Europe
Property of Men, Chattels of Husbands or the Privileged Sex of the Middle Ages? An Excerpt from "The Last Taboo" Among many others, one...
83 צפיות
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